Concord, NC Chiropractic Newsletter for April 2016
US adults generally see chiropractors positively, especially if they have already used chiropractic care or plan to use it. Negative views of chiropractic care seemed to stem from cost and number of visits, but those who shared this view were less likely to know if chiropractic is an insurance covered item, more likely to want to see an MD first for back pain or neck pain, less likely to have ever seen a chiropractor before. (1) This is good news! There are many potential Concord, NC chiropractic patients out there with whom to share chiropractic care. Pure Chiropractic is so glad you are our Concord, NC chiropractic patient and appreciate your sharing your chiropractic experience with your friends and family!

A new research study shares that “Many people suffering from low back pain (LBP) have found conventional medical treatments to be ineffective for managing their low back pain and are increasingly turning to complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) to find pain relief.” Pure Chiropractic and our fellow chiropractors are ready for them! 41.2% of low back pain patients used CAM in the past year. What types? Herbal supplements, chiropractic manipulation, and massage. 58.1% of those who used CAM for back pain found it greatly beneficial. (2) Thank you for trusting the Concord, NC back pain specialist at Pure Chiropractic and using chiropractic care.
Chronic low back pain in older adults often includes lumbar spinal stenosis. Its pain relieving care is often accomplished without surgery, particularly when all contributing conditions of low back pain are addressed. (3) That’s where your chiropractic examination and diagnosis come into play as the non-surgical treatment plan is developed for successful relief of back pain related to spinal stenosis. Pure Chiropractic is most thorough in its care of back and neck pain!
For far lateral disc herniations, gabapentin may be good. (4) For chronic low back pain, it’s “ineffective” say researchers. (5) Chiropractic offers a non-drug approach to relief of both of these conditions. Some patients come to Pure Chiropractic for Concord, NC chiropractic care already taking these drugs. Some are able to get relief enough with chiropractic care to discuss stopping or taking less with their prescribing physicians. Let’s set a Concord, NC chiropractic treatment plan with Cox Technic, and see how you do.

Biochemical Factors and Back Pain
Vitamin D and other levels are affected by low back pain. 42% of all patients seeking care for LBP were 31 to 50 years old, 73% were female, 27% had diabetes type II. These patients showed significantly lower levels of Vitamin D. Researchers strongly recommend early frequent screening for vitamin D along with glucose, protein, albumin, calcium, phosphorus, C-reactive protein (CRP) as part of general health checkup for non-specific body pain, especially low back pain, to try to encourage earlier intervention for relief. (6) For most of our Concord, NC chiropractic patients, pain is an attention-getting indicator while these other factors are more subtle but important.
Thank you for your trust in our chiropractic healthcare...and for sharing your Concord, NC chiropractic experience with your friends and family!