Pure Chiropractic Helps Restore Limited Neck Range of Motion and Pain
What is the result of neck pain? It prevents you from repositioning your neck the way you want. Pain is effective like that! It prevents us from doing things that could hurt. Ok, that’s not all bad! But neck pain can bother more than just motion. It can disrupt daily living. Concord, NC chiropractic at Pure Chiropractic can help lessen neck pain and reestablish its normal motion.
Not merely does neck pain limit cervical spine motion, it also requires compensatory motions to do what must be done. If the neck hurts when turning to the right, you’ll not do that. That is a compensatory motion. Normal flexion/extension, lateral, and rotational motions have been noted in normal patients. (1) And if you think your capabiloity to reposition your neck influences your life, consider baseball pitchers! College baseball pitchers with limited neck motion during preseason were found to be at increased risk of game time loss and shoulder and elbow disability during the season. (2) That’s really life-changing for them and their life dreams! Know that your Concord, NC chiropractor can tell from a thorough clinical examination just how pain is affecting your normal range of motion and how to help you (your being a baseball player or not!) get it back.
Another interesting cervical spine finding is that preceding cervical spondylosis – degenerative changes in the cervical spine that often appear with aging, resulting in vertebral bone degeneration, disc degeneration, bone spur formation and the like - and obstructive sleep apnea are related. Such sleep apnea is connected to cervical spine changes that tighten the airway space such as come with cervical spondylosis. (3) Cervical spondylosis is another spinal issue your Concord, NC chiropractor understands well.
Pure Chiropractic applies careful treatment of the cervical spine utilizing the Cox® Technic System of Spinal Pain Management. Patient tolerance is continually the guiding factor along with the doctor’s hand. Cox® Technic for cervical spine allows gentle stretching of the spine to open narrowed spaces with combined ranges of motion to reestablish improved cervical spine movement.
CONTACT Pure Chiropractic
Listen to this PODCAST with Dr. Ben Glass on the Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson as he describes how he eases neck pain with the Cox® Technic System of Spinal Pain Management.
Schedule a Concord, NC chiropractic appointment with Pure Chiropractic to regain lost neck motion and get relief of neck pain.