June 2023 Healthy News from Pure Chiropractic Benefit of Chiropractic for Neck Pain Relief and of Breathing and Physical Exercise

TIP OF THE MONTH: Add Breathing Exercise with Physical Exercise
Do you think about breathing? How about when you are exercising? Most of us don’t. Breathing just happens. As described in the above article, breathing is part of the autonomic nervous system that ensures these types of functions continue without a thought. A study looked at how chronic neck pain patients breathed and if better breathing exercise could help. 68 chronic neck pain patients were put into one of 2 groups: one with breathing re-education exercise or routine physical therapy. The breathing group demonstrated significant improvement in neck flexibility, extension, endurance, and strength of neck flexors and extensors. (9) Since this breath work seems to help neck pain patients, studies are now in the works for chronic low back pain patients. One that will determine how conscious connected breathing may help highlighted how closely related the respiratory system is throughout the body and “bidirectionally related” to emotion, stress, and pain. (10) Another study will have back pain patients do exercise with specific breathing techniques and without and compare outcomes related to pain, disability, anxiety, sleep, quality of life, health status, and more. (11) Breathing more consciously and exercising seems to be an up-and-coming benefit for the treatment plan of chronic back and neck pain adn good additions to Concord, NC chiropractic care!
Listen to this PODCAST with Dr. Lee Hazen and Cheri Hazen on The Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson as they described their combined efforts in helping back pain patients attain less pain and improved function with The Cox® Technic System of Spinal Pain Management and breath coaching.
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