Concord, NC Back Packs and Back Pain: A Chiropractic Topic
It’s that time of year again in Concord, NC: back to school! And out come the backpacks. There is always a mild debate about the influence of backpacks on back pain in young people. There is always discussion about how the kids are to get all their stuff necessary for homework back and forth from home if not in a backpack. There’s a quandary for you! Ban homework?! Not likely! Pure Chiropractic understands and is here for those Concord, NC school kids (and older folks) who use backpacks and find themselves experiencing Concord, NC back pain. Pure Chiropractic has a way to relieve Concord, NC back pain!
The influence of Concord, NC backpacks on young people’s back pain incidence is real. There’s a higher occurrence of Concord, NC low back pain when carting backpacks likely because of the increased forces in the spinal discs. (1) One Brazilian study documents that 55.7% of 5th to 8th graders report back pain. An influencing factor is likely the way the back pack is carried. (2) Another study done in Italy showed that greater than 60% of school kids 6 to 19 years of age in one study said they have back pain. Girls who used backpacks stated that having more severe pain and more frequent back pain than boys. (3) Is this skewed statistic about girls having more intense back pain and more frequent back pain because they carry more stuff than boys? No. It seems that the longer they cart the backpacks around, the more back pain they experience. This may be due to anatomical, physiological and/or environmental differences between boys and girls. That makes another great subject for the next backpack/back pain study! (3) Pure Chiropractic treats adolescents with back pain be it due to backpack carrying or other causes with gentle, effective chiropractic care incorporating Cox Technic.
Boys/Girls. Heavy backpack/light backpack. Long time carrying the bookbag/short time carrying the bookbag. All these various issues may well play a part in back pain experienced by adolescents who use book bags or backpacks. Concord, NC chiropractic care may help ease the back pain and help determine the influencing factors and means for back pain prevention.
Schedule a Concord, NC chiropractic appointment today to discuss back pain and backppack carrying. Concord, NC back pain relief is promising at Pure Chiropractic with Concord, NC chiropractic care!